For the tropical vibes

This turned out to be the best choice for a perfect beach day. It has lots of venues by the beach, the currents aren't too strong and the sand is just about good enough. We also love the views to Mt. Agung from this beach.
This is a really long stretch beach, so even though boats dock here there is plenty of space for swimmers. You won't even notice them. The northern end of this beach is referred to as Mahagiri beach because of the resort with the same name. It is the best spot for a beach day, but the resort there is currently closed and there isn't much life there now.
For the views

This beach really displays beautiful colors due to the rocky bottom. Sadly it is full of boats and we didn't quite like it as a beach-place. There is a cliff on the north end of the beach with a small opening - you can walk through it during low tide to access secret beach, which is much quieter. You can also drive there directly.
You can also get to the top of that cliff to enjoy magnificent views - this is our secret place. Make sure you bring mosquito repellent.
Best for sunsets

Sandy Bay Beach is next to Dream Beach, on the other side of Devil's Tear. This beach is perfect to watch the water splashes from Devil's Tear without having to go there. It is also great for sunsets.
This beach is famous because of Sandy Bay Beach Club, which is a great venue with some of the best vegan Tacos in Bali!
The best sand

This is a very small beach located between Jungut Batu and Tamarind Beach. You can access it only by foot from Jungut Batu, if you follow the path that takes you to the famous Deck (the venue).
Due to it's proximity to Coconuts Beach Resort, some people will know this beach as Coconut Beach.
It is a beautiful beach, with probably the best sand in the entire island, a great view and soft waters perfect to swim and enjoy a beach day. Only disadvantage? Well, there is nothing there so you really need to bring everything there. Maybe in normal times you can walk to one of the restaurants to get food and drinks and head back to this incredible beach.